Firm News
RONAI & RONAI WINS 21 million dollars for illegal alien construction worker
Bloomberg News featured article quotes Holly Ostrov-Ronai, Esq. regarding Ronai & Ronai, LLP's representation of the family of cruise ship worker József Szaller - who committed suicide while quarantined on a Carnival Cruise ship during COVID-19 outbreak

Victim of the Philadelphia Train Derailment Hires The Law Firm of Ronai & Ronai, LLP
NEW YORK, May 15, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The Law Firm of Ronai & Ronai, LLP, has been retained by a seriously injured victim of the Philadelphia train derailment, which involved Amtrak Northeast Regional Train 188 enroute from Washington D.C. to New York City on May 12, 2015, and are presently consulting other victims of the tragedy.
Statement Of Ronai & Ronai, LLP, Counsel For Victims Of The Costa Concordia Disaster Regarding The Five Crew Members Convicted Of Manslaughter For The Death Of 32 People
NEW YORK, July 23, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 20, 2013, five crew members of the Costa Concordia cruise ship were convicted of manslaughter for their role in the shipwreck in January 2012, which resulted in the deaths of 32 people.
Ronai & Ronai, LLP, the attorneys representing Adalberto Gonzalez in his civil case against The City of New York and the New York City Police Department, and Caesar Gonzalez, Jr., the attorney defending him for criminal charges, are appalled and outraged by the video released by the Bronx DA a few days ago
Ronai & Ronai, LLP File Six Million Dollar Lawsuit Against KLM, Delta And Luftansa Airlines After 400 Pound Woman Denied Flight Home, Dies In Hungary
NEW YORK, NY (February 1, 2013) - The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Janos Soltesz, husband of deceased Vilma Soltesz, alleges various counts of gross negligence, recklessness and willful misconduct in the boarding and disembarking of Vilma and that Vilma and Janos were sent on a "wild goose chase" that worsened Vilma's medical condition and ultimately led to her death.
Ronai & Ronai represent Costa Concordia survivors: 'One year on, our lives are still in ruins

The Telegraph -
January. 06, 2012
Ronai & Ronai donates $13,000 to Ambulance company - Adománnyal segítette a mentőket az ügyvéd

Ronai & Ronai attends vigil honoring victims of CT school shooting

Ronai & Ronai represent woman who dies because not allowed to fly

New York Post -
November. 28, 2012
Statement Of Ronai & Ronai, Llp,Attorneys At Law, On Behalf Of Janos Soltesz, Husband Of Vilma Soltesz
abc News -
November. 28, 2012
Packed Court As Shipwreck Captain Hears Evidence
New York Post -
October. 16, 2012
Ronai & Ronai Attend Pre Trial Hearing Of Schettino
The Guardian
October. 15, 2012
Passenger in Fatal Dirt Bike Accident Suing Police for $20 Million
August. 20, 2012
Ronai & Ronai features in NY Post in Bronx Police Cover Up Case
New York Post -
August. 19, 2012
New York Law Firm Ronai & Ronai, LLP. Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Seeking 400 Million Dollars On Behalf Of The Family Of Violinist Sandor Feher Killed In The Concordia Disaster
PR Newswire
August. 7, 2012
Statement Of Holly Ostrov Ronai, Esq. And Peter Ronai, Esq. Of Ronai & Ronai, LLP, Counsel For The Family Of Deceased Hungarian Musician Szandor Fehrer And The Hungarian Survivors Of The Costa Concordia Disaster, Regarding The Apology Of Captain Schettino
PR Newswire
Jul. 12, 2012
Ronai & Ronai appear on CBS news for expert opinion regarding the Costa Concordia accident
Jul. 11, 2012
Above the law: Peter Ronai declared Lawyer of the Day
Above The Law -
Jan. 25, 2012
Hungarian performers suing for $200M following Costa Concordia wreck
New York Post -
May. 11, 2012
$17 million settlement in deadly Delaware River duck boat crash
Philadelphia, May. 10, 2012
NEW YORK (May 4, 2012) – Four Hungarian performers on the ill-fated Costa Concordia cruise ship are collectively seeking $200 million in damages in a Federal gross negligence complaint (12CV-3498, filed May 3, 2012) that has been filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York against the ship’s owner and operator.
The plaintiffs, all residents of Hungary and at the time members of the same performance company, are Adam Csepi, Jenoc Csanja, Joszef Balogh, and Erszebet (Lizzy) Szilagyi. Csepi and Szilagyi were dancers, the others were musicians, part of the highly regarded ensemble that included violinist Sandor Feher. Mr. Feher drowned in the accident after after feverishly helping children don life jackets, according to his colleagues and other eyewitnesses. Their only source of income was as cruise-ship entertainers.
The plaintiffs are represented by the law firm of Ronai & Ronai, LLP, and attorneys Peter Ronai and Holly Ostrov Ronai said the action asserts gross negligence on the part of Carnival Cruise Lines, the owner-operator of the vessel, along with Carnival Corp., its parent company in connection with the January 13, 2012 disaster that claimed 11 lives among the more than 4,000 passengers on the liner. All four of the plaintiffs sustained varying degrees of physical injuries and emotional impairment for which they continue to be treated. Since the accident, they have been unable to work. A demand for punitive damages is also included in the complaint.
“The ship’s owners and operators clearly knew or should have known that they were dealing with a floating disaster just waiting to occur,” said Holly Ostrov Ronai. “Their gross negligence, as illustrated by the deplorable actions of the so-called captain before, during, and after the grounding, demonstrates that the plaintiffs and all others on the vessel were put at risk.” Peter Ronai, who with Ms. Ostrov Ronai is co-counsel in the civil action resulting from the deaths of two Hungarian students in the 2010 Philadelphia tourist boat accident, added, “The victims are turning to the American justice system to obtain answers to the many troubling questions that haunt them in the aftermath of what was clearly an avoidable disaster”.
Following the Costa Concordia accident, Mr. Ronai led investigators from Italy and Hungary onto the trail of three individuals who authorities accused of faking a passenger death in an attempt to capitalize on the tragedy. He was credited with thwarting the scam.
Ronai & Ronai Duck Boat case featured on NBC
Börtönbüntetésre ítélték a philadelphiai hajóskapitányt
Statement of Counsel for the Families who lost their children in the duck boat disaster
“The families are gratified that Federal prosecutors have acted to hold one of the responsible parties accountable in this tragedy that should have been avoided. They continue to have faith in the American justice system and expect the corporations who were involved to acknowledge their roles and act accordingly."
Issued by:
- Peter Ronai
- Holly Ostrov Ronai
Manslaughter Charges in Philadelphia Duck Boat Accident
ABC News
July 14, 2011
March 7, 2011
PHILADELPHIA, PA – Documents released today by the National Transportation Board (NTSB) confirm that the operator of the tug boat was distracted – talking incessantly on his cell phone – at the time the barge he was guiding on the Delaware River struck and capsized a tourist duck boat, resulting in the deaths of two Hungarian student-tourists, according to Peter Ronai and Holly Ostrov Ronai, attorneys representing the families of the victims.
“Cell phones kill when they distract drivers behind the wheel of a car,” said the New York-based attorneys who are frequently in Hungary and recently met with the survivors. “And on July 7, 2010 the crew member of the tug boat responsible for safe operations was talking on his cell phone instead of paying full attention to Delaware River traffic, including the disabled duck boat floating in the shipping channel.”
They said the voluminous NTSB docket chronicles in compelling detail the magnitude of a tragedy waiting to happen, involving all the parties named in the wrongful death civil lawsuit brought against the defendants – including K-Sea Transportation (the tug owner-operator) and Ride the Ducks Philadelphia - resulting from the accident.
“The loving families in Hungary cannot understand how a tug boat operator can be using a cell phone when his boat is about to destroy a tourist boat,” said the lawyers. “Even in the small villages where the victims, DoraSchwendtner and Szabolcs Prem, lived, it is illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving a car. The families also continue to wonder why eight months after the accident those responsible have still not been held accountable.” They said they also are also shocked that, given the release of the NTSB reports, there is consideration of allowing Ride the Ducks to resume operations on the Delaware River.
“This is a company that, according to the NTSB, failed to even notify the Coast Guard immediately when their duck boat was struck, and then would not even accept assistance from their own rescue boat,” they commented. “We will continue to fight for justice in the name of Dora and Szabolcs and all their loved ones who still mourn their passing.”
Kin of Crash Victims Watch NTSB Hearing
Duck boats returning to Philadelphia under new safety plan
The Bellingham Herald
Philadelphia, Apr. 19, 2011
Tugboat mate in fatal duck boat crash was on cell phone
NTSB: Tug pilot in duck boat crash was on cell
Statement by Peter Ronai, Esq. and Holly Ostrov Ronai, Esq. on Behalf of Hungarian Student-Victims of July 7, 2010 Duck Boat Fatal Accident
PR Newswire
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 25, 2011
Duck Boat Tragedy
The lawyers at Ronai & Ronai, LLP are currently representing the two families of the only children that died in the Duck Boat tragedy in Philadelphia.
Duck boat victims’ families hire Ronai & Ronai
Duck Boat Captain Sues Tow Operators in Deadly Crash
Duck Boat Captain Sues Tug, Philly in Deadly Crash
Philadelphia Duck Boat Accidents
Chief of company behind toxic sludge spill in Hungary arrested
By the CNN Wire Staff
October 11, 2010

Attorney Peter Ronai Appears on Hungarian Morning Show Mokka
Peter Ronai is interviewed on the Hungarian Morning Show Mokka about his involvement in the tragic Duck Boat accident that happened in Philadelphia.
For More Information on the Duck Boat Disaster, View Our Website
The only plaintiff's attorney-authorized site for information regarding the tragic accident.
Duck Boat Accident: Victims' Parents Arrive in Philly
By Justin Pizzi
August 17, 2010
The parents of the two young victims who died in this summer's Duck Boat Accident. They are pursuing wrongful death suits...
Parents Of Duck Boat Victims See Crash Site
By Cydney Long
August 17, 2010
The parents of two Hungarian students killed when an amphibious tour boat was struck by another vessel in Philadelphia have visited the site where their children died...
Parents of duck boat victims talk
By Katherine Scott
August 17, 2010
PENN'S LANDING - Parents of the two Hungarian students killed in the duck boat crash last month want answers and they have made their first trip to the United States to get them...
Philadelphiában jártak és a sajtóval is szóba álltak Dóra és Szabolcs szülei
Koszorút vittek halott gyermekük emlékére a Delaware folyó partjára az emlékezetes július 7-i hajóbalesetben elhunyt Győr-Moson-Sopron fiatalok szülei. S. Dóra (†16) és P. Szabolcs (†20) szülei kedden érkeztek meg az Egyesült Államokba, mint mondták, szerették volna látni a tragédia helyszínét, egyúttal a baleset feltételezett felelősei ellen indított per papírmunkáit intézték - írja a
Parents of duck boat victims see Pa. crash site
By MaryClaire Dale (AP)
August 17, 2010
PHILADELPHIA — The parents of two Hungarian students killed last month when an amphibious tour boat crashed into another vessel visited the Philadelphia site Tuesday and were stunned to see a similar boat on the river.
The families of exchange students Szabolcs Prem, 20, and Dora Schwendtner, 16, tossed wreaths into the Delaware River during a brief visit to Penn's Landing....
Families of Philly duck boat victims file lawsuit
By MaryClaire Dale (AP)
August 10, 2010
PHILADELPHIA — The parents of two Hungarian students killed in a duck boat accident on the Delaware River last month filed a wrongful death lawsuit Tuesday against the tour operator, the city and others.
They blame the tour company for making the amphibious craft defenseless that scorching hot day, when the captain turned off the overheated engine with 35 passengers aboard and dropped anchor in a busy shipping channel...
Duck boat victims’ families hire attorney
By Melissa Dribben
July 16, 2010
MOSONMAGYAROVAR, Hungary ― Two New York lawyers, Peter and Holly Ronai , a husband and wife personal injury team with ties here, are representing the families of two local students who drowned in the July 7 Duck Boat accident.
The couple, whose office is in midtown Manhattan, arrived in Hungary July 2 for a vacation. They were in Budapest about to return home on July 8, when they received a call from Peter Schwendtner, whose daughter, Dora, died when the Duck Boat was hit a barge in the Delaware River, capsized, and sank.
A former client of the Ronai's referred the lawyer to the Schwendtner family, who then informed the family of the other victim, Szabolcs Prem, that Ronai was preparing legal action.
Ronai has been meeting with both families to discuss civil suits against those responsible for the collision of a 250-foot barge and the small sightseeing vessel, which pitched 37 people into the river.
"The families are devastated. They're completely devastated," Ronai said.
"There may be criminal proceedings as well," he said, "Dora's father wants the people responsible for this put in jail."
The parents of both students, he said, are "very let down."
In Hungary, Ronai said, America is often viewed as the most advanced and technologically capable country, a nation of laws and reason. His clients, he said, cannot fathom how such avoidable mistakes were made.
Ronai has family ties to the town where the students grew up and went to school. His parents, George and Susan, grew up in Budapest and escaped through Mosonmagyarovar over to Austria under harrowing circumstances during the 1956 revolution. By coincidence, on Thursday - the day after the duck Boat tragedy - they were scheduled to arrive for a visit to this town of 32,000, less than half an hour's drive from the borders of Austria and Slovakia, that was once part of the Hapsburg empire. Ronai's wife flew back alone last week, but he will be staying indefinitely to work with the victims' parents.
Legal wheels begin to turn in river tragedy
July 17, 2010
PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS ― The Hungarian youths killed in last week's Duck-boat crash were each the sole child in their family. Now their parents have no children, and they want answers. [more...]
Legal fight begins over deadly crash on river
July 17, 2010
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER ― The duck vehicle in last week's fatal crash has been raised, its two young victims recovered and mourned. Now the legal battle begins... [more...]
Family Of Duck Boat Victims Sue 'Ride The Ducks'
July 16, 2010
PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― Philadelphia lawyer announced Friday that he was compelled to join the legal team for the families of two Hungarian victims of the 'Duck Boat' crash... [more...]
Lawsuits Coming in Fatal Duck Boat Accident
July 16th, 2010
The families of the two Hungarian tourists who were killed in last week’s duck boat collision are preparing to file lawsuits in connection with the tragedy.
Families want answers in Duck Boat accident
July 16th, 2010
A Philadelphia lawyer is joining the team representing the families of two Hungarian tourists who were killed in the Duck Boat accident. The attorneys say the families want answers more than money.
Tugboat mate in Duck crash relieved of duty, gets a lawyer
July 15, 2010
The tugboat mate who pleaded the fifth earlier this week when federal investigators inquired about the deadly Duck-boat accident was relieved of duty Tuesday night by the vessel's operator, K-Sea Transportation.
Google Search: Ronai Duck Boat
If you have been injured, losses that you are entitled to may include medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. We will fight to ensure that your rights as a Connecticut accident victim are protected in a court of law. Contact us for a free consultation at 1.800.664.7111.